Psychotherapy & Counselling

Welcome to my website

Seeking help, reaching out when we realise we are troubled and seriously struggling can sometimes seem an inexplicably difficult hurdle to overcome. Whatever your life is lacking, whatever is getting you down, you need not suffer alone and in silence. Looking at my website and possibly others too, you have taken an important first step in considering what options and choices you may have.

I offer psychotherapy and counselling for:

  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Relationships

If you are suffering from anything not listed above please feel free to contact me by phone or email for a discussion of your particular concerns.

In my experience an initial appointment can be helpful to give you the space to tell me more about what has brought you to therapy at this time. Importantly it is a time for us to experience one another and consider whether what you are seeking and the way I work is a good enough fit. And if it is, the commitment you may wish to enter.

My consulting room is centrally located and nestled within the beautiful and ancient Roman City of Bath. Easily accessed it is a 5-10 minute walk to or from the train and bus stations with car parks nearby. See Google maps.

My Consulting Room:


3 Chapel Row,


Contact me by:


Mobile: 07772 584726

Member Of:

Click on the logos above to see my pages with those Organisations.

Areas Covered:

My consulting room is located in central Bath and is easily reached from:

  • Bristol
  • Somerset
  • Wiltshire

It is a few minutes' walk to or from the train & bus stations and with car parks nearby.

Find me on Google Maps