
“The world is more magical, less predictable,
more autonomous, less controllable, more varied, less simple,
more infinite, less knowable,
more wonderfully troubling than we could
have imagined being able to tolerate when we were young.”
                                                                                  James Hollis

Psychotherapy differs from counselling in that it is open ended with no end date predetermined and therefore of longer duration. This approach allows the time and space needed to explore and understand in greater depth the underlying motivations behind repeated patterns of behaviour and the strength of the emotional pull which can seem to take on a life of its own. Recurring behaviour and overwhelming emotions can seriously affect our capacity to live in harmony with ourselves and others. In our modern world of ‘speed is everything’ and ‘quick fixes’ the value of taking time can often be lost. Allowing yourself to delve deeper, alongside someone who can support and empower you, will give you the key to discover who you truly are and who you were born to be.

The deeper process of exploration into your earliest experiences gives understanding and meaning to how these have influenced and helped to shape who you are today; and to consider how difficulties manifesting through symptoms of dysfunction and breakdown in the present may have their origins in the past. An important part of the process is to hear what is being expressed through the symptom, to give it a voice and to see what purpose it has for you. A central part of the work will be to establish a trusting therapeutic relationship within which, you will be able to work with those areas of your life that have been troubling you and that may be more entrenched and enduring. Over time, through the experience of the therapeutic relationship, the unconscious and hidden motivations that may lie at the root of your troubles can be seen, understood and the emotions that became attached, can be released and transformed. In this way your feelings can become more manageable and open up the possibility of a future you may never have envisaged.

It may be that you have recently been bereaved and are at a loss as to why you are feeling so overwhelmed with grief and struggling to regain a sense of composure or equanimity. Or your relationship with a partner, spouse, family member seems to have irretrievably broken down and you are having difficulty understanding or coming to terms with what has happened. You may be feeling that the pressures of work and family life have reached an intolerable level and that you can’t go on. You may be feeling very depressed and suicidal. These and many other life experiences can be mediated through the process of psychotherapy.

All that I require of you is to come regularly at least once a week, to bring your thoughts and feelings, to bring dreams or fantasies if you have them and a willingness to open yourself to the process. If you feel that psychotherapy could be of help to you, please get in touch by ‘phone or email so that we can start to think together, about what for you might be a way forward.

My Consulting Room:


3 Chapel Row,


Contact me by:


Mobile: 07772 584726

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Areas Covered:

My consulting room is located in central Bath and is easily reached from:

  • Bristol
  • Somerset
  • Wiltshire

It is a few minutes' walk to or from the train & bus stations and with car parks nearby.

Find me on Google Maps